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Chat Overview


What is it?

  • The chat feature allows users to engage in interactive, one-on-one dialogues with a virtual agent, similar to other chatbots online. Users can easily embed the chat widget onto their own webpage by following the code provided on the left side of the page.

Why is it important?

  • The Chat tab is similar to the Seek tab in that both answer user queries while referencing your internal documentation and resources. The main difference between the two is that the chatbot's main purpose is to provide more in-depth conversation and testing than that of the Seek tab. It can remember previous conversation context, allowing for a natural conversation flow, and can instruct the user on how to accomplish tasks based on your knowledge.

How does it work?

  • Heading over to the Chat tab prompts users to start with a simple introductory question - "Tell me about NeuralSeek" (or your company name) - although users are free to ask it anything related to what can be found in your documentation. By using a combination of natural language processing and machine learning, as well as integration with NeuralSeek's API, the chatbot can answer queries with accurate, context-sensitive responses, making interactions feel more engaging and effective, and allowing easier evaluation of the multi-agent flows in "real world" scenarios.