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Training Virtual Agents


What is it?

  • NeuralSeek will automatically generate IBM Watson Assistant “Actions” or “Dialogs,” based on user questions that are asked. Generally, IBM Watson Assistant needs five (5) or more user question examples to train on for a high confidence match to a user query. When user questions are cataloged by the system, NeuralSeek automatically tries to generate similar worded questions to meet the minimum of five (5) user examples. Similar Question generation may take up to one (1) minute to show inside the Curate tab after a new user question is logged.

Why is it important?

  • Users who develop and maintain Watson Assistant have to work with its Actions and Dialogs, and can quickly get overwhelmed by its vast numbers. Coming up with multiple number of questions for each intent is also very time consuming, but it also quickly becomes burdensome when you have to continuously monitor and update them by yourself.

How does it work?

  • NeuralSeek provides ways to generate the candiate questions and answers based on the contents inside the KnowledgeBase, and let users download the whole thing or portions of it, so that it could be created either as Watson Assistant Actions, or Watson Assistant Dialogs.

Generating Questions and Answers

After you have configured NeuralSeek, in its Home, you will see an option to auto-generate questions.

generate questions

Clicking will let NeuralSeek scan through your KnowledgeBase, and start generating potential questions that would be most commonly used.

generating questions

The resulting list of questions appear at the bottom. If you do not like the list of questions, you can re-generate them again, or edit them on the spot.

generation complete

When you feel like you can generate the Answers for those questions, you can click Submit button and those questions will be available on the curate tab of the top menu. Usually the most recently entered questions and answers appear at the top:

loaded answers

Testing Questions

During the curation process, usually the user would need to use Seek tab to submit questions to see how well the answer is generated. However, this process can be tedious if you have a certain set of questions that you want to ask in bulk and derive the results. In that case, you can use Upload Test Questions to upload multiple questions and generate their answers easily.

  1. Go to Home of NeuralSeek, and click Upload Test Questions.
  2. In the instructions, you will see a link of template file that you can download from. It's a template file in CSV format. click it to download.
  3. Use the file to enter the list of questions. For example,
    1,"What are the main features of NeuralSeek?"
    2,"What are the knowledgebases supported by NeuralSeek?"
    3,"I want to integration NeuralSeek with Watson Assistant. What do I need to do?"
    4,"Where can I see the demo?"
  1. Click the upload button to upload the file.
  2. Click Submit button.
  3. NeuralSeek will run through the questions and let you know how many are being processed. When it is finsihed it


  1. When finished, you can either Download the report, Export All Q&A, or Delete the generated report.

generated report

  1. Download the report: it will give you a CSV file that has the following columns:
    • ID,question,score,semanticScore,kbCoverage,totalCount,url,document,answer,categoryId,category,intent,pii,sentiment which will give you the answer and score of how well it got generated.
  2. Export All Q&A: it will export all the Q&A currently stored in NeuralSeek, in JSON format suitable to be imported as Watson Assistant Actions.
  3. Delete Report: it will delete the generated report, and will not be available anymore.

Uploading Curated Q/A

This feature is very similar to Upload Test Questions, but uses the CSV format that has ID,Question,Answer. User can create question and answer pairs to submit it, which will then be populated as edited answers in NeuralSeek. This feature is useful when you need to edit and upload answers in bulk fashion. An example format of the CSV is as follows:

1,Tell me about NeralSeek,"NeuralSeek is an AI-powered platform that generates natural-language answers to complex, open-ended, and contextual questions from real customers."

Importing Q/A into Watson Assistant

Depending on how your NeuralSeek is setup, it can either product questions and answers into Action type or Dialog type. That depends on whether your Watson Assistant is enabled with dialog or not.

Importing into Watson Assistant as Actions


As for importing Q&A into Watson Assistant, you can do it on both Watson Assistant Classic mode or new Dialog mode.

  1. Go to your Watson Assistant, and to go to Actions. Click the gear icon on top right to go into the settings.

gear icon

  1. In the global settings, move to the right most tab which is Upload/Download, and click Download button to download the action's JSON file.

download json

  1. A JSON file should be saved.
  2. Go to NeuralSeek, click Curate tab.
  3. Click Import Base Watson Assistant Actions.

import base wa actions

  1. Upload the downloaded JSON file.

upload json

  1. Now, select one or more intents which you want to import into Watson Assistant. You will notice a new button is display which is Export to Watson Assistant Actions.

export to wa actions

  1. It will download a JSON file called actions.json which will contain the selected intents that you want to convert it into Watson Assistant Actions.
  2. Go to Watson Assistant. At the same page where you just downloaded the JSON, click to select a file, and select the actions.json and click Upload button.

upload actions.json

  1. You will see a warning message. Click Upload and replace.

upload and replace

  1. Now, close this page, and you will see the exported actions appear on your actions list.

exported actions on list

  1. Click one of the actions. You should be able to see the list of the quesitons generated by NeuralSeek nicely populated.

generated questions_1 generated questions_2

With these, you can easy save time to jump start Watson Assistant to provide better answers to the questions and answers generated by NeuralSeek. One other nice thing about this is that if you find any particular questions and answers that does not yet exist in Watson Assistant, you can easily move them from NeuralSeek.

Importing into Watson Assistant as Dialogs


Unlike importing them as Actions, you first need to export your Watson Assistant's dialogs and set them as Base Watson Assistant Dialog into NeuralSeek. That is because Watson Assistant, when uploading a Dialog, would simply override the existing dialog and upload a new one. In order to make sure any existing actions or dialogs are not deleted, NeuralSeek needs to have it first, and then merge the dialogs into it.

  1. Go to your Watson Assistant, and to go Dialog > Options > Upload / Download:


  1. Click Download tab and click Doanload button:

loaded answers

  1. A JSON file should be downloaded.
  2. Now go to NeuralSeek, and go to Curate tab.
  3. Click Import Base Watson Assistant Dialog button.

importing dialog

  1. Select the downloaded JSON file. The button will now be turned to Base Watson Assistant Dialog Uploaded.

imported dialog


Whenever there is a change of your Watson Assistant Dialog, make sure to delete the older one and upload the recent one in order to not risk losing your most up-to-date dialogs.

  1. Now, select the list of questions that you want to load it into. As soon as you select them, a new button Export to Watson Assistant Dialog will appear. You can obviously select all the questions by checking the all box at top left.

selecting questions

  1. Click the button to export these dialogs.
  2. Now, a JSON file should be downloaded. Load the file back into Watson Assistant using its upload tab.


  1. Note that uploading this JSON will overwrite any existing dialog contents. Click Upload and replace.

uploading warning

  1. If everything goes well, it will say the skills were uploaded successfully.
  2. You now have the curated answer from NeuralSeek populated as a Dialog node in Watson Assistant. Next time when the user asks the same question, Watson Assistant should be able to answer it the same way as NeuralSeek did.

modified dialog Alt text search result

This is a great way to effectively manage some of the most frequent questions and answers that you uncover from NeuralSeek to be able to be transferred into the Virtual Agent's dialog, such that it will be able to be trained with better set of answers.

Importing into AWS Lex

You can either export NeuralSeek curated questions and answers into a new Lex Bot or merge existing Lex Box intents with curated questions and answers from NeuralSeek into a cloned Lex Bot

AWS Lex Bot Merge Import

These directions allow you to merge existing AWS Lex bot intents with curated NeuralSeek questions and answers into a new bot. The NeuralSeek curated questions and answers get converted to Lex intents automatically.

  1. Log into AWS Management Console and navigate to AWS Lex > Bots. You should see a list of available bots to merge with NeuraSeek.

Available Bots

  1. In the Bots list in the main view select the desired bot so it is selected, and click Action > Export. An Export Bot: dialog is shown.

Export Bot

  1. From the export dialog leave all the default values and click Export. A blue banner is shown of exporting followed by a green banner of successfully exported/downloaded.
  2. Next log into your NeuralSeek instance with a user with permissions to the Curate tab.
  3. Click on the Curate tab.
  4. Click on the Import Base AWS Lex V2 button in the upper right corner. A File Explorer dialog is shown.

import base AWS Lex V2


If the import button says something different than AWS Lex, switch to the NeuralSeek instance that is using the AWS Lex Virtual Agent. Optionally, you can also change the virtual agent type under Configure > Platform Preferences.

  1. Navigate to the zipped AWS Lex file you exported from step 3 and click Open. The button will switch to Base AWS Lex V2 Uploaded. After import, intents will not get added to the content list, but duplicates will show an indicator that this intent is already present in the definition file.
  2. Now, select the list of questions that you want to export into AWS Lex. As soon as you select them, a new button Export to AWS Lex V2 Dialog will appear. You can select all the questions by checking the all box at top left.

selecting questions

  1. Click the Export to AWS Lex V2 button to export these questions and answers. A zipped file should be downloaded.
  2. From the AWS Management Console Amazon Lex > Bots screen click Actions > Import. A Lex > Bots > Import bot screen is shown.

Import AWS Lex Bot

  1. Fill in the new Bot name, browse for the zip file, set the COPPA yes/no, set the IAM permissions, and then scroll down and click Import. You'll see a blue banner that the bot is being imported followed by a successfully imported banner.

  2. Find the imported bot in the bots list and open it by clicking on its name. The details for the merged bot is shown. Notice the Intents section in the left pane has both the original intents and the NeuralSeek intents merged into a single bot.

  3. Click the build button. You can now test the new imported intentions.

Import AWS Lex Bot

AWS Lex Bot Import Only

These directions are for creating a new Amazon Lex bot from curated NeuralSeek questions and answers only. It will not contain existing intents from AWS.

  1. Start by logging into your NeuralSeek instance with a user with permissions to the Curate tab.
  2. Click on the Curate tab.
  3. Select the list of questions that you want to export into AWS Lex. As soon as you select them, a new button Export to AWS Lex V2 Dialog will appear. You can select all the questions by checking the all box at top left.

selecting questions

  1. Click the Export to AWS Lex V2 button to export these questions and answers. A zipped file should be downloaded.
  2. From the AWS Management Console Amazon Lex > Bots screen click Actions > Import. A Lex > Bots > Import bot screen is shown.

Import AWS Lex Bot

  1. Fill in the new Bot name, browse for the zip file, set the COPPA yes/no, set the IAM permissions, and then scroll down and click Import. You'll see a blue banner that the bot is being imported followed by a successfully imported banner.

  2. Find the imported bot in the bots list and open it by clicking on its name. The details for the merged bot is shown. Notice the Intents section in the left pane has converted the NeuralSeek questions and and answers to intents.

  3. Click the build button. You can now test the new imported intentions.